quarta-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2009

Call for Application: Now & Next: Dance and transdisciplinary art projects - Düsseldorf

Now & Next is presenting short dance performances, extracts of rehearsals, Work-In-Progress and transdisciplinary art projects, photography, film, sound- and videoinstallations, that put a stress on the body and movement. Now & Next is taking place several times a year. Artists with short projects up to 15 minutes that are designed for the stage or for a specific room can apply. Existing projects can be handed in as well as concepts that will be developed at a studio at the tanzhaus nrw during a shorter period of rehearsals.
The next edition of Now & Next will be taking place on Thursday/FridaySunday, the 11th/12th of march 2010.
APPLICATIONS including project description, dvd from the actual or former projects and CV’s have to be handed in until 4th of February 2010 at

tanzhaus nrw
Erkrather Straße 30
40233 Düsseldorf
Tel. +49 / (0)211 / 17270-73
Mail: dramaturgie@tanzhaus-nrw.de