quarta-feira, 29 de novembro de 2006

Workshops no Bacalhoeiro em Dezembro

Guitarra Brasileira com Mucio Sa
11 a 14 dezembro das 18 às 22h
participantes 100€ / ouvintes 60€

Compas y Palmas com El Pulga
16 e 17 Dezembro das 18 às 19h

Aulas de Tango com Alejandro Laguna
todas as quartas feiras das 19 às 21h
35 € por mês ( 4 aulas )

rua dos bacalhoeiros 125 2º andar info: 218864891 / 961833973 / bacalhoeiro@gmail.com

terça-feira, 28 de novembro de 2006

Rutger Hauer Masterclass looking for participants - deadline 15 Dec ( Roterdão - Holanda)

From 24 January to 1 February 2007 The Rutger Hauer Film factory Rotterdam Foundation presents an eight-day Masterclass led by Rutger Hauer in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. During this intensive Masterclass, actor and filmmaker Rutger Hauer will share his knowledge and experience with 36 ambitious film professionals from different parts of the world. Interested scriptwriters, directors, cinematographers, producers, actors and editors with demonstrable professional experience should register on www.rutgerhauerfilmfactory.com before 15 December 2006.

domingo, 26 de novembro de 2006


Ahead of your time? Got a project nobody will let you try? Seen lots of plays for children and know you can do better?

Since 1994 CTC Theatre has created 41 professional touring productions for children and young people, established the annual TakeOff festival in partnership with local authorities here in the North East, promoted international exchange and explored new directions in music theatre and theatre in museums.
We now invite proposals for innovative theatre projects which will contribute to the Company's continuing artistic and creative development.

Selected projects will be undertaken in 2007/08. We will even pay you.
Email 250 well-chosen words to mailto:project@ctctheatre.org.uk
by 16 Dec. Interviews: 6 - 20 Jan 07

quinta-feira, 23 de novembro de 2006


Alkantara procura um estagiário para a função administrativa.

Caso esteja interessado( a) e preencha os requisitos necessários para integrar o programa de estágios do IEFP cujas exigências são as seguintes:
- ter menos de 30 anos
- ser o primeiro emprego, significando isto que não poderá ter efectuado descontos de mais de um ano para a segurança social, a não ser que tenha feito um curso com intenção de mudar de carreira profissional, podendo, neste caso, ter efectuado descontos acima de um ano, desde que noutra função completamente distinta.
Pedimos que leia atentamente a função e que nos responda até ao final da presente semana sobre o seu interesse.

*assistência a gestão e contabilidade
*relação com fornecedores habituais da associação
*processamento de salários
*relações com as Finanças e Segurança Social
*controlo administrativo das actividades da associação
*assistência de produção a projectos em curso

Procuramos uma pessoa com as seguintes características:
*12º ano de secretariado / sector administrativo (mínimo)
*Linguas: Inglês e Francês (preferencial)
*responsável, dinâmica e com capacidade de trabalho em equipa
*possibilidade de integração nos estágios profissionais do IEFP
*disponibilidade para iniciar funções em Dezembro de 2006

catarina saraiva
rua forno do tijolo, 54 5º esq.
1170-138 lisboa portugal
tel. +351 213 152 267 fax +351 213 151 368
mobile +351 91 873 06 79
skype: catarinasaraiva
catarina.saraiva@ alkantara. pt
www.alkantara. pt

atelier "Máquina Multimédia"

A Câmara Municipal de Idanha-a-Nova, o Centro Cultural Raiano e aAJIDANHA – Associação de Juventude de Idanha-a-Nova (http://ajidanha.blogspot.com/), estão a organizar um atelier "MáquinaMultimédia", com o formador José Barbieri, que decorrerá nos próximosdias 6, 7 e 8 de Dezembro de 2006, no CCR.

Curso de Gestão/Produção das Artes do Espectáculo (13ªedição) - vagas

Ainda existem duas vagas para a 13ª edição do Curso de Gestão/Produção das Artes do Espectáculo, do Forum Dança.
Os interessados devem enviar com urgência e-mail com o C.V., a carta de motivação, uma fotografia tipo passe, e os seguintes dados: Nome, Morada, Código postal, Telemóvel, E-mail, Situação profissional.

Rua Luz Soriano 67, 1º dto. 1200-246 LISBOA
TEL 21 342 89 85 TEL/FAX 21 342 89 86

Pianist needed for dance project - London

Classically trained pianist required for dance project in January 2007 at Robin Howard Theatre in London. The piece is titled Il Bel Sembiante Senza Nube e Senza Vel (The Beautiful Semblance Without Cloud and Without Veil) and includes music by John Cage for closed and prepared piano. The position is voluntary but it may lead towards future paid performances.
If interested email CV to mailto:claudiogirard@hotmail.com

Theatre Performers Wanted (Sheffield, UK)

Point Blank theatre are currently looking for performers for their 2007 devised production 'An Evening with Psychosis'. Initially they will work towards a work-in-progress development showing but would be invited to continue with the later development of the piece for Edinburgh 2007 and an autumn national tour. Initial availability would be needed from 15th January to 10th February for rehearsal and showings in South Yorkshire. Equity rates of pay and accommodation provided. Performers need to have excellent devising skills and strong skills in physical theatre. Performers who have any personal association with the condition of psychosis, or a genuine engagement with the material would be particularly urged to apply.
Auditions will be held on Saturday December 16th in Sheffield. Performers should apply with a CV and cover letter to mailto:bianca@the-opc.co.uk
or Bianca King, Point Blank, Unit 2, 67 Earl Street, Sheffield S1 4PY by the deadline of Thursday 30th November.

Dance Audition Leeds

canvasDance are currently looking for male and female performers to join thecompany on a freelance basis in early 2007.
We are looking for highly physical dancers with strong contemporary/release based technique and a high level of creative thinking to join us in an exciting project to create a new canvasDance piece. This is a purely voluntary project offering exciting experiences and artistic opportunities.There are currently eight places available, although this is subject to change.
Auditions will be held in Leeds on the 16th December, venue still to be confirmed.
If you are interested in being a part of this exciting opportunity, please send your c.v. to Anthony Briggs, Artistic Director at: mailto:canvasdance@hotmail.co.uk
and you will be contacted with further details.For more information on the company, and the upcoming projects, please see the website: http://www.canvasdance.co.uk

Administrative assistant, DV8 Physical Theatre, London

DV8 Physical Theatre is looking for a full-time, friendly, highly
administrative assistant for general office duties.
High IT literacy is essential.
Duration of contract 18 months; immediate start, salary 16,500 pro rata.
Applications due 27 November 2006.
For a more detailed job description and how to apply:

Lançamento da Petição dos Profissionais do Espectáculo e do Audiovisual

As principais associações e sindicatos dos profissionais do cinema, do teatro, da música, da dança, do circo e de outras artes do espectáculo, unem-se pela primeira vez no nosso país para reivindicar a criação de um regime laboral e de segurança social que se adeque às especificidades do sector e preencha o vazio legal existente.
A Plataforma das Organizações Profissionais das Artes do Espectáculo e Audiovisual convoca a imprensa e todos os interessados a estarem presentes no próximo DIA 27 de NOVEMBRO, SEGUNDA-FEIRA, às 18h30 no Teatro da Comuna (Praça de Espanha, em Lisboa) para o lançamento deuma petição unitária que procura chamar a atenção para os nossos problemas, alertar, pressionar e colocar as nossas reivindicações na ordem do dia e na agenda politica dos nossos governantes. É nosso objectivo recolher 4000 assinaturas para que a petição seja lida e apreciada em plenário da Assembleia da República. A petição reivindica a criação de uma lei que enquadre a actividade profissional deste sector e que preveja a existência de contratos de trabalho e direitos sociais para o regime de trabalho intermitente de artistas e técnicos. Esta iniciativa é promovida pela plataforma constituída pelas seguintes organizações: AACI- Associação dos Artistas Comunitários Independentes, AIP-Associação de Imagem Portuguesa, Associação Novo Circo, ATC-Associação dos Técnicos de Cinema, Encontros do Actor, GDA- Gestão dos Direitos dos Artistas, Granular - Associação de Música Contemporânea, Movimento dos Intermitentes do Espectáculo e do Audiovisual, PLATEIA, REDE, RAMPA, Sindicato dos Músicos, SINTTAV- Sindicato Nacional dosTrabalhadores das Telecomunicações e Audiovisual e STE - Sindicato das Artes do Espectáculo.

Workshop Stencil no Bacalhoeiro

Sábado 25 de Novembro
das 14 às 21 h
30 € ( material incluído).

Rua dos bacalhoeiros 125, 2º andar

Info: 218864891 / 961833973 /

Contemporary Dance Workshop

with Valentina Desideri and Domenico Giustino

Nov. 27-30
A workshop which explores basic movement principles using both an exterior (architechtonic/functional) perspective as well as a somatic/internal approach.

We will explore the relataion to the floor, the possibility of falling, using spiraling to move through different levels, patterns of pushing/pulling/reaching…

Open to all levels, there will be room for improvisation while working with set mateial.
Here, the idea will be that technique does not deal with a specific form, but rather with the infinite number of possibilities of moving and articulating your body in space.

Everyone is welcome!

Place: 555
Rua do Almada nº. 555

27 - segunda feira: 21h-23h
28 - terça feira: 20h-22h
29 - quarta feira: 20:30-22:30h
30 - quinta feira: 22h—midnight

Price: 15euros
(The workshop will be given in english)

Valentina Desideri
She first trained in ballet and contemporary dance and-worked in several companies in Italy. She then moved to London where she finished a BA(Hons) in Dance Theatre at Laban Centre. In 2004 she founded the collective La Tertulia Dance Project,in collaboration with another dancer and a visual artist. She was a DanceWEB scholarship holder in the Impulstanz festival 2006. She currently works as freelance dancer and choreographer in London.

Domenico Giustino trained in theater in the US and in Russia. He continued his studies in contemporary dance in New York and then completed his studies at P.A.R.T.S. school in Bruxelles, where he is currently based. He has co-founded the RabbitHoleCollective as well as collaborating with other choreographers.

For further information, please call Guilherme Garrido: 965864280

***Domingo 26 Nov. : open free impro jam at the 555 from 20h. open to anyone, dancers/movers/musicians/curious individuals--- come!!!***
Nov. 27-30

sábado, 18 de novembro de 2006

Estagio- Management Artístico

Procura-se ESTAGIARIO (M\F)

Empresa Management Artístico

Inglês e Françês escrito e falado
Duração do Estágio - 6 meses
Possibilidade de permanência na empresa
Enviar C.V. para:

Culture 2007 call for proposals (project applications): deadline 28 Feb

The European Commission publishes its call for applications for the Culture 2007 programme for cultural cooperation projects.
The programme has three strands - support for cultural actions:
Strand 1.1 Multi-annual Co-operation Projects

Strand 1.2.1 Co-operation Measures
Strand 1.2.2 Literary Translation

When preparing their applications, project coordinators and co-organisers should take into consideration the following questions, among others:

-How can cultural actions and cultural cooperation contribute to the emergence of European citizenship?

- How can the circulation of works of art and cross-border mobility of artists/professionals/cultural operators contribute to the promotion of a common cultural area for Europeans?
- How can cultural actions and cooperation build bridges between ethnic, social, and other groups, and foster intercultural dialogue?
- How can cultural actions improve access by Europeans to their own culture and enhance their knowledge of it while opening their minds to their neighbours’ cultures and encouraging them to discover and explore them?
- How can creative and innovative cultural actions be developed on the basis of shared European values, and how can this promote the sense of a collective identity in the context of the diversity and wealth of cultures in Europe?

The objectives of the Programme are:
• to promote transnational mobility of people working in the cultural sector,

• to encourage the transnational circulation of artistic and cultural works and products,
• to encourage intercultural dialogue.
The full details, including all application forms and specifications can be found at:
Culture 2007

International Performing Arts Laboratory, Latvia, 2007

International Performing Arts Laboratory, March 30 - April 04 2007 Riga, Latvia

intensive practical training, lectures, discussion club PARTICIPANTS script writers, playwrights, directors, actors, dancers, choreographers, teachers

A limited number of places is available on a competitive basis. Please send your detailed CV and a brief letter of motivation to info@iugte.com The registration will be finished as the group is full

450 EUR by transferring the fee before Dec.20, 2006
580 EUR by transferring the fee after Dec.20, 2006

IUGTE will provide participants with accommodation and three meals per day during the Laboratory

Further information: IUGTE

European showcases programme (theatre & dance), Athens, 2007 (deadline: 15 Dec)

Call for theatre and dance productions to be presented as part of European showcase programme at Wherehouse in Athens, Greece throughout 2007.
Wherehouse Arts Centre in Athens, Greece organizes the "European showcases" programme, a series of contemporary theatre and dance performances, which will become an integral part of the Centres' programme throughout 2007 and which involves the presentation of one performance each month from a different European country.
they are looking for small-scale to middle-scale theatre or dance performances which can be presented in unconventional spaces. Contemporary theatre and dance groups from all European countries (not only EU countries) are welcome to apply. The application should include the following:
- Company's profile

- Description of the project-
A dvd of the performance-
Technical rider
Please, send your application until December 15 to the following address:
Wherehouse 5 Litous st.11146 Athens Greece
they cover traveling and accommodation expenses, as well as a small fee per performance. Unfortunately, Wherehouse hasn't a web-site yet. Our e-mail is

forumdança - Aulas com Teresa Ranieiri em Dezembro

de 5 a 21 de DEZEMBRO 2006
3as e 5as-feiras
das 14h30 às 16h

Desconto de 25% nas mensalidades para profissionais de Dança (trazer C.V.)

"Considero que o corpo é muito mais que uma estrutura de ossos e músculos. Para mim, é uma realidade energética ligada ao espaço, no eixo do tempo.
A aula, baseada no princípio básico de cair e recuperar é, por um lado, desafiante do ponto de vista técnico, mas por outro lado, tento ligar as coisas numa corrente orgânica que permita ao corpo não apenas cumprir o que tem que fazer, mas também que se regenere em equilíbrio energético."

Teresa Ranieri

Teresa Ranieri - É natural de Bari, na Itália, e fez a sua formação em Nápoles e em Cannes. Em 1988 fixou-se na Alemanha, onde trabalhou como bailarina com coreógrafos como Roberto Galvan, Armanda Miller, Rui Horta e Willyam Forsythe. Desenvolveu trabalho coreográfico de sua autoria e tem sido “guest teacher” de variadas companhias de dança europeias. Desde 2001 é professora certificada de Gyrotonic Expancion System e como professora combina diferentes técnicas na abordagem do movimento.

quinta-feira, 16 de novembro de 2006

international and intercultural contemporary dance festival

From February 12th until February 18th 2007, La Mekanica (Barcelona) will organize an international meeting of professional contemporary dance makers of the Mediterranean Arab and European countries on the framework of Festival Complicitats 2007, a new international and intercultural contemporary dance festival that will take place in Barcelona from January 20th until February 18th. For this international meeting La Mekanica will invite 8 professional young contemporary choreographers and dancers, to come to Barcelona and work together with other guest participants in training, research and creation workshops, in an artistic and cultural exchange context.On the end of the meeting there will be a final debate and showing of the works developed during the meeting.
The organization of the festival will assume all the travel and accomodation (lodging + per diems) expenses for all guest participants.

From February 12th until February 18th 2007

Barcelona, La Mekanica's Festival Complicitats

Professional contemporary choreographers and dancers
Eligible countries:

Albania, Algeria, Croatia, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Greece, Israel, Italy, Lebanon, Lybia, Malta, Morocco, Syria, Portugal, Palestine, Tunisia, Turkey

Language: English and French

Please send by e-mail your letter of motivation and C.V to:
All participants must be available for the whole period.
Applications should be made no later than friday, December 8th 2006.
Selected candidates will receive an invitation to attend the international meeting.

URGENTE - audição actor

A Escola da Noite procura um homem para actuar...
A Escola da Noite - Grupo de Teatro de Coimbra
Rua Pedro Nunes, Oficina Municipal do Teatro
Quinta da Nora 3030-199 COIMBRA
tel. +351.239.718238
fax +351.239.705367

terça-feira, 14 de novembro de 2006

Procura-se actores/actrizes

A NBP Casting está de momento à procura de actores/actrizes para ingressar em elencos adiccionais das suas produções, assim como actores/actrizes para futuros castings para elencos principais.
enviem currículos (com foto) para:

catia Barão
NBP Casting
R. José falcão, nº57, 3º drt
1000-184 Lisboa
tel:21 351 59 07
Fax: 213515899
TEL:96 1200837

Casting actores/ actrizes

O projecto de teatro/multimédia Hamlet Light é um dos vencedores do concurso Jovens Artistas Jovens organizado pelo CCB e irá ser apresentado em várias estruturas do país, durante o próximo ano.


O casting irá decorrer no dia 24 de Novembro no Espaço do Urso e dos Anjos em Lisboa, Rua Andrade, 41 C, entre as 14h e as 17h. A hora de cada audição individual será estabelecida mediante confirmação da participação no casting.

Solicita-se a apresentação de um curto monólogo à escolha ou do texto fornecido em anexo.


Dezembro: 8-10 Dezembro
Residência artística 17-22 Dezembro, CENTA (Vila-Velha-de-Rodão)
Janeiro: 10-30 part-time em Lisboa (horário a determinar)
Residência artística fim Janeiro- início Fevereiro (ca. 2 semanas, datas a confirmar), CAPa (Faro)
Estreia: ca. 15 Fevereiro, sítio à determinar (Teatro Municipal de Faro?)

Seguir-se-ão apresentações por todo o país, nos espaços integrados na rede de estruturas envolvidas no projecto Jovens Artistas Jovens. Apresentações possíveis:
· Casa das Artes - Famalicão
· Centro Cultural de Belém - Lisboa
· Centro Cultural Vila Flor - Guimarães
· Centro de Artes - Sines
· Citemor - Montemor-o-Velho
· Culturgest - Lisboa
· DeVIR CAPa - Faro
· Espaço de Tempo - Montemor-o-Novo
· Quarta Parede - Covilhã
· Rivoli Teatro Municipal - Porto
· Teatro de Vila Real - Vila Real
· Teatro Municipal da Guarda - Guarda
· Teatro Municipal da Faro - Faro
· Teatro Viriato - Viseu

Os ensaios não serão remunerados, bem como os 5 primeiros espectáculos (transporte e estadia assegurados pelas estruturas). Todas as restantes apresentações serão remuneradas.

O projecto é candidato a outros apoios, pelo que as condições oferecidas poderão sofrer alterações.

As residências artísticas são a cargo da produção de Hamlet Light (transporte, estadia, alimentação). Além dos ensaios, durante as residências haverá um workshop de interpretação.

Para mais informações:
Tel.: 968744614

Bassline Circus, seeking breakers, acrobats, street dancers for 2007

Bassline are looking for up to 3 acrobats / breakers to help us develop and tourour 2007 tented circus show.
We want street dancers / acrobats / breakers who have an interest in or have had experience of working in the air: abseil / harness work, bungee and chineese pole specifically.
Bassline creates and tours Hip hop / electro and breaks based, new-skool circus shows, and have a great summer 2007 tour lining up...If you are a breaker and / or acrobat and want to expand you skills and ideas into the air we want you! The work will involve auditions in early December, then in January a week or so of lessons or training and then some intense creation time working with bungees and other aerial skills. Exact dates are still to be confirmed.
The job will run from mid March to the end of August, pending confirmation of tour dates.Drop us a line for more information.
Email your details, CV, expressions of interest, pictures, utubes, myspace and/orquestions to mailto:robin@basslinecircus.org

Temporary Front of House Performance Staff at New Wimbledon Theatre

New Wimbledon Theatre requires the following staff for the Pantomime Season:
To act as Ushers and Bar Tenders during performance times.
To provide generalassistance and guidance to all customers in order to promote customer care.
To maximise front of house sales through effective selling techniques, to ensure all security and cash handling procedures are adhered to, and to ensure the cleanliness of the Front of House areas at all times.
Period of employment: Friday 8th December 2006 to Sunday 14th January 2007
Training will take place between Monday 4th December and Thursday 7th December.
Please email mailto:sambain@theambassadors.com for an application pack.

Alternatively send a stamped, self-addressed envelope
(clearly indicating the position you require an application pack for) to:
Samantha Bain, Administrator, New Wimbledon Theatre, The Broadway,London SW19 1QG

Completed applications must be received at New Wimbledon Theatre by: 4pm on Friday 24th November 2006 Interviews will take place on a rolling basis until all positions are filled. We would therefore advise you to apply as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. Interviews will take place on the following dates:Friday 17th November between 12pm and 4pmThursday 23rd November between 10am and 1pm Monday 27th November between 10am and 4pm Wednesday 29th November between 10am and 3pm If you are unavailable on any of these dates please indicate this in your covering letter.

segunda-feira, 13 de novembro de 2006



Are you a creative performer looking for a new experience?
Do you have a desire to work as part of a company, exploring, playing and performing together?
Root Experience is a new experimental theatre company looking to find a number committed actors who we will meet twice a week (Sundays and Wednesday evenings).
These workshops will be used to experiment with various ideas, of both myself and the actors. They will entail both work within the rehearsal space and work performing in public (indoors and outdoors).These workshops will form a working relationship and language with the participants. We will play with various actor-spectator ideas of storytelling,fantasy, music, improvisation and puppetry, and learn from each others strengths and experiences.
The idea is that by working and exploring together we can find a common language where we are all able to support each others creative visions within the work.The company looks to play with the collective experience of both actors and spectators to address personal, cultural and socially inclusive discussions withina theatrical context.
We believe that this in turn impacts upon our ability to co-exist and understand the surrounding world.
Our intention is not to create didactic performance but to create work that can bring an audience into a
connected communion where open discussion can thrive.Towards the end of February we will be performing a site-specific piece for one week. This will play with different ways in which to engage an audience and create dialogue within an unconventional theatrical environment.
After this performance, there are two more planned; a three week run taking place from towards the end of April, and one other, the timing of which will be discussed with the ensemble.The idea is to basically create a working company that everyone has a stake in.The explorations will be able to be extended to create some interesting community work.
All workshops will take place in next to Brick Lane and in Bethnal Green, London.
We don't care about ethnicity, gender, age or experience, just looking for a group of enthusiastic committed people with a passion for theatre.If you would like any more information please contact us at

Dance for Camera - Call for Submissions

Xtend - Dance for Camera Season
Call for Submissions
As part of the annual Lift Off! Dance Festival at South Hill Park Arts Centre in March 2007, we will be screening a selection of video pieces that use Dance or human movement as central themes.
Xtend will present a curated series of video artworks, which will be projected large scale onto the wall of our Atrium bar area every evening from 3rd Feb-18th March 2007.
Artists are invited to send in submissions on DVD (PAL format). Maximum duration:15 mins. Please include artist biog and any further information about your project.
Deadline for submissions: Tuesday 2nd January 2007
Send to: Martin Franklin, Xtend, South Hill Park, Bracknell RG12 7PA.
UKContact: mailto:martin.franklin@southhillpark.org.uk
Tel: 01344 416261Webhttp://www.digitalmediacentre.orghttp://www.southhillpark.org.uk

sábado, 11 de novembro de 2006



From January 3 until January 12 2006 Meg Stuart will lead an intensive dance research workshop in Brussels. For this workshop Meg Stuart is looking for 5 professional, Brussels based, dancers or choreographers with experience in release technique, improvisation and theatre and a strong knowledge of the company’s work.

Please send your letter of motivation and C.V. to:

Meg Stuart / Damaged Goods
O.L.V. Van Vaakstraat 83, B-1000 Brussels
tel: +32-2-513 25 40 / fax : +32-2-513 22 48

All participants must be available for the whole period.
Applications should be made no later than December 10 2006.
Selected candidates will receive an invitation to the workshop.

sexta-feira, 10 de novembro de 2006


ATENÇÃO! Artistas...
De todas as áreas: dança, teatro, performance, música, ópera, pintura, escultura, instalação, gastronomia, magia, circo, etc...
O Spaghetti Club, colectivo de Bristol (UK), convida a todos os artistas de todas as áreas a apresentar um pequeno número com o MÁXIMO DE 3 MINUTOS, no seu evento 3 MINUTE WARNING...
Basta aparecer no dia 19 de Novembro às 15 horas no Estúdio da Bomba Suicida e o evento tem inicio às 17 h.
+info. 21 342 76 05
Estúdio da Bomba Suicida Rua dos Caetano nº 26
(Bairro Alto-em frente ao conservatório de Música)

TRUPILARIANTE & COMPª - Abertura de vagas para equipa de animadores

Companhia de Teatro-Circo
Animadores circenses
monitores para ateliers (expressão plástica para crianças)
maquilhadoras de pinturas faciais

mais informações:

quinta-feira, 9 de novembro de 2006

CIRPEA - Audição

CIRPEA - Corpos em movimento , Grupo de Dança Contemporânea vai realizar uma audição de bailarinos e bailarinas para integrar a proxima produção a decorrer no primeiro semestre de 2007.
As audições terão lugar na
ART!ST - Academia de Dança Teatro & Performance
Rua da manunteção, 45
1900-319 Lisboa
No dia 18 de Novembro, pelas 15h.
para mais informações contactar:
Maria João Filipe - 916006364
Patricia Cayatte - 966734208/919752286 patriciacayatte@gmail.com
Elementos a apresentar: Curriculum Vitae

TOUCH the HUMAN – Workshop



Ghislaine Boddington, Armand Terruli (VJ Mondo) and Leanne Bird - BODY DATA SPACE
(colectivo de imagem e performance Londrino que trabalha entre Tecnologia, vídeo e performance)
Francisco Camacho - EIRA

Dia 12 de Novembro, das 10h às 18h
Cinema S. Jorge, Lisboa
Preço: 100 euros
75 euros para profissionais da cultura
50 euros para estudantes

INSCRIÇÕES e respectiva confirmação:
Luís Cardoso - 91 966 88 79

Oferta de Trabalho

A Proto – Associação Teatro Observatório procura alguém para executar a função de comunicação/promoção/relações públicas.
Quem estiver interessado, terá enviar o C.V. para o seguinte e-mail: ana@aproto.org

Ana Vilela da Costa (comunicação)
proto - intensive art care

ana@aproto.org / www.aproto.org
tlf. - 214 953 913 / 964 498 743

Procura-se assistente de encenação para espectáculo infantil

"Familia Galaró"
Ensaios a decorrer de 15 Novembro a 15 Dezembro e de 1 de Janeiro a 28 de Fevereiro
Horário - de 2ª a sexta das 16h às 24h, com uma hora intervalo para jantar; sábados das 16h às 20h.
Cachet- 630 euros/mês
Valoriza- se facto de já ter desempenhado esta função.

Rita Sousa Guerreiro
tlf - 21 342 01 36/ 96 188 04 01

quarta-feira, 8 de novembro de 2006

Banner Theatre Company is recruiting a guitarist/singer

GUITARIST/SINGER with range of styles required for national touring in March, April, June and October 2007

Rehearsals start on 21 February
Fees commensurate with MU rates

Banner, a radical national/international touring company, is seeking a professional guitarist/singer for its 2007 production Asylum UK.
This newshow is a hard-hitting multimedia documentary theatre production, mixinglive roots-based music with powerful video footage, to tell the stories of migrants past and present to the UK.
We are looking for a strong singer and guitarist able to play in a range of styles (e.g. rock, blues, folk, jazz, etc). Experience of Middle Easternand African styles would be a strong advantage. Many of the songs in AsylumUK are written from a female and ethnic minority point of view and this willinfluence our choice.

Auditions will be held on 19 December, but informal discussions can startimmediately

- contact 0845 458 1909 or mail to:info@bannertheatre.co.uk
More info at http://www.bannertheatre.co.uk/guitar07

Banner Theatre Oaklands Centre Winleigh Road
Birmingham B20 2HN
0845 458 1909
mail to:info@bannertheatre.co.uk
Jilah Bakhshayesh(Banner Theatre Company)
Banner office number 0845 458 1909

terça-feira, 7 de novembro de 2006

Curso de Produção de Espectáculos e Organização de Eventos

Estão a Terminar as inscrições para os seguintes cursos intensivos:

Produção de Espectáculos :
Produção e Gestão Cultural (Introdução; Conceitos Gerais); Produção de Teatro; Música; Televisão; Publicidade; Cinema; Noções de Direito Aplicado a Artes do Espectáculo; Marketing e Imagem das Artes; Casos Práticos.
Início: 16 de Novembro de 2006

Organização de Eventos:
O Evento; Organização de Evento; Tipos de Eventos. Decoração de Espaços; Alimentação e Catering; Logística de Eventos; Produção Executiva de um Evento; Protocolo Aplicado à Produção de Eventos; Noções de Direito Aplicadas à Organização de Eventos; Segurança; Casos Práticos.
Início: 17 de Novembro de 2006

Cursos Credenciados
Corpo Docente Especializado
Horários Pós-laborais
Certificado de Curso
Possibilidade de Estágios

Apoio:Teatro Azul, Companhia Profissional

Telefone: 210 135 916 / 966 237 137
Informações e Inscrições:
http://www.apontamento.com>Linha Azul: 808 201613

Casting for national touring Pop Musical

The People's Theatre Company is casting for the second run of its acclaimed pop musical Bink and The Riddle of The Sphinx, a fantasy adventure for adults and children written by the creators of the bestselling Witch's Bogey and based on the classic myths of ancient Greece.
'Thoroughly Enjoyable'- Daily Express Bink and The Riddle of The Sphinx will be touring nationally to premiere receiving venues and national touring houses including The NorwichPlayhouse, Fairfield Halls, Yvonne Arnaud and Wycombe Swan for 33 datesbetween February 1 and April 1, 2007.

Applicants will be expected to audition with a modern character and a modern straight piece and sing a ballad and an up tempo contemporary popsong (all unaccompanied.)
First Auditions will be held in Egham (35 minutes direct from LondonWaterloo and just off J13 of the M25) towards the end of November.
Applicants with existing commitments to Christmas shows and Pantomimes will be accommodated but must give dates when they are not available intheir application.
Rehearsals begin January 10, 2007.

Applicants should forward a CV and photo to mail to:
or post to The Artistic Director, The People's Theatre Company,
12E High Street
Egham TW20 9EA

Applicants must supply an active email address for notification.
Fee: £1320 (for 33 dates) plus food and accommodation where required on tour.

Casting Breakdown:
* Bink - Male. A smart, good hearted and thoroughly decent hero.Outstanding pop and ballad tenor voice, handsome and 5'10" or shorter. Some dance or movement ability essential.
* Princess Verity/Pudding the Sprite/Gorgon - Female. A sincere and loving ElfinPrincess. 5'4" or shorter, petit build. Good mezzo-soprano pop voice and a skillfor character acting. Some dance or movement ability essential
* Calliope/Sausage the Sprite/Gorgon/God of Earth - Female. The wise and kindlyQueen of the Fairies. Outstanding Pop/Rock soprano voice. Roughly 5'5". Somedance or movement ability essential.
* Murkor/Chuckle the Sprite/God of Air - Male. An embittered ex-dictator with awicked line in sarcasm. Alternately villain and hero. Tuneful baritone or tenorsinger with ability to harmonise and some dance or movement skills.
* The Terrible Bog Monster/Elf/God of fire/Potz the Sprite - Female or male. Alonely but good natured outcast with a gregarious yearning for company and apenchant for toast. Good comic timing and a decent singing voice required as wellas the ability to harmonise. Some dance or movement ability essential
* King Poop of the Sprites/God of Water - Male. A challenging dual role playingthe cruelly calculating all-powerful ruler of the Gods and the larger than lifeking of the wacky, fun loving Sprites. Strong comedic skills and a love ofslapstick and play is an absolute must. Tuneful high baritone with falsetto orstandard tenor and some dance or movement ability required.

+44 (0)1784 470 439, or email mailto:admin@ptc.org.uk
The People's Theatre Company
12E High Street
Surrey TW20 9EA
Registered Office as above.Company Registration No. 4654393 EnglandRegistered Charity No. 1099248

Producer required by AZ Theatre

Az Theatre requires a producer for new play about war and recovery, based onEuripides' Alcestis.P/T.
2 days per week, Contract runs from Dec 2006 to Aug 2007.
Az Theatre ( http://www.aztheatre.org.uk ) is producing STATES, a new play aboutwar and recovery based on Euripides' Alcestis.
The production, planned for summer 2007, follows an extensive period of R&D in 2006 involving theatre workshops in Algeria, Kosovo, Italy, Palestine and the UK.
For more information on the projectplease see http://www.warstoriestheatre.org
The position is part of Az Theatre's Producer Development Project and will involve a programme of professional development including elements of mentoring, trainingand reflective practice.
The position would suit a young producer with some professional experience and an interest in international theatre.

Job description:
- Assemble creative team
- Maintain relationships with existing funders
- Manage additional fundraising activity
- Secure venue booking
- Book rehearsal space
- Oversee implementation of audience development strategy
- Manage project budget
- Manage production and associated outreach activity
- Evaluation of project

Person specification:
- Experience in theatre management/administration
- Proven fundraising skills
- Strong project management skills, including budgetary management
- Sensitivity necessary to oversee creative process and work within a small team
- Strategic thinker and ability to plan long term
- Willingness to work independently
- Capacity to work from home

Please contact Jonathan Chadwick, Artistic Director on mail to:
info@aztheatre.org.uk with a CV and covering letter explaining your suitability. If you would like to discuss the position prior to application please call Anna Schmitz, Producer on 07974 313401.

One year Trainee Bursary (£11,000)

Artsadmin invites applications for a one year Trainee bursary.

A year long full-time traineeship aiming to develop project managementskills for contemporary performance and Live Art.
Enthusiasm and commitmentto this area of work essential.
A great opportunity to begin a career in thearts.

For details of the post send a SSAE to:
Liz Holmes Company Administrator
Toynbee Studios
28 Commercial StreetLondonE1 6AB
or download the information pack from the website: http://www.artsadmin.co.uk

Closing date for applications: 5pm Wednesday 15th November 2006Artsadmin strives to be an equal opportunities employer.
Charity no. 1044645

segunda-feira, 6 de novembro de 2006

AUDIÇÃO Actores/Actrizes




Cç. de Santana, 168 r/c Eº1150-307 Lisboa
Tel / Fax: 218 861 875

sexta-feira, 3 de novembro de 2006

European Diploma in Cultural Project Management (deadline: 15 Jan)

Applications invited for the 2007/08 edition of the European Diploma in Cultural Project Management, a year-long pan-European training programme.


The European Diploma in Cultural Project Management is a pan-European training programme arising from the will to foster cultural diversity as well as transregional and transnational cultural exchanges.
The Fondation Marcel Hicter is the organizer and manager of the course.
The objective is threefold: To strengthen the knowledge of cultural managers about European, national and regional cultural policies; To improve cultural managers skills to run cultural co-operation projects.To develop a network of European cultural managers.

Each year, around 25 professionals from 20 countries are taking part in the European Diploma. Since 1989, 400 cultural managers from 41 countries (from Europe, Middle East, Canada, etc) followed this course.

The programme is supported by the Council of Europe.

Who is the training for?
Cultural managers from public and private organizations who are actively involved in the management of cultural and artistic projects in their region, with at least 3 years experience.The training languages being English and French, applicants must be fluent in one of these two working languages and have a good passive knowledge of the other. The age limit is 45.

Content and Organization
The European Diploma is organized so that the participants carry on with their professional activities. The programme lasts one year and is organized in 3 phases: 2 residential sessions, a comparative study and an evaluation + seminar phase.

The residential sessions
Two sessions of a fortnight take place in two different countries each year.The next training session, will be organised in Berlin (2 weeks in May 2007) and in Sicily (to be confirmed) in October 2007.
The themes, which will be discussed, are: Europe and culture; project management, cultural cooperation, operational management of cultural projects, fund raising etc.Back to the field
Between the residential sessions and the evaluation phase, the trainees return to their jobs in their countries, and in parallel work on their own project. They also have to do a comparative study visit in another region of Europe.
The evaluation/seminar phase
This one-week phase takes place each year at the European Cultural Centre of Delphi (Greece). It includes the presentation of the participants projects and the organization of a thematic seminar. It will take place in June 2008.

Financial participation
Most of the expenses for this training programme are covered by the organizer, and the partners. Each participant or the organisation he/she works for, will pay a fee of 3.000 ¤.
Deadline for application: 15 January 2007

The application form 2007/2008 will be, the 15th of October 2006, on the website:

Roberto Cimetta Fund for individual travel grants

The Roberto Cimetta Fund is an international association promoting artistic exchange and the mobility of professionals in the field of contemporary performing arts and visual arts within the Mediterranean area.

In the Mediterranean region, the frontier region between the Arab, European and Turkish worlds, mobility is an historic reality and an absolute necessity today.

It is essential to give shape to the concept of « the dialogue between cultures » and to ensure that individuals really meet ; more concretely this means to make financial resources available to facilitate travel, to capitalise on the opportunities for professional gathering, but also to recognise the free circulation of culture professionals as an integral part of their work. These are amongst the objectives of the Roberto Cimetta Fund.

Arts mobility, travel, meeting with other professionals are all aspects of artistic vitality. In a region where artists are often confronted with economically difficult situations, the Roberto Cimetta Fund supports and encourages travel which allows culture professionals to find the opportunities, partners and means to realise personal or collective projects; thus facilitating networking, exchanges of experience and cultural and artistic cooperation.

In collaboration with the European Cultural Foundation, the Roberto Cimetta Fund has set up a programme for awarding individual travel grants. These cover travel and visa costs for trips such as attending professional cultural network meetings, workshops, artist’s residences, festival, symposiums etc. The programme is intended to operate simply, flexibly and quickly. Selections are organised regularly (every 5 to 6 weeks).

ursaries are individual, which means that we attribute them to one person in particular and not to an organisation. The request must be written and sent by the applicant himself/her
The process is quite simple and fast (about one month). - to know in advance the date of the coming session :
check on webpages
www.cimettafund.org or contact the coordinator info@cimettafund.org
- Use the standard form on www.cimettafund.org
- Fill it in French or English.
- Send it by e-mail to grant@cimettafund.org

Calls for participation European showcases programme (theatre & dance), Athens, 2007 (deadline: 15 Dec)

Call for theatre and dance productions to be presented as part of European showcase programme at Wherehouse in Athens, Greece throughout 2007.
Wherehouse Arts Centre in Athens, Greece organizes the "European showcases" programme, a series of contemporary theatre and dance performances, which will become an integral part of the Centres' programme throughout 2007 and which involves the presentation of one performance each month from a different European country.
They are looking for small-scale to middle-scale theatre or dance performances which can be presented in unconventional spaces. Contemporary theatre and dance groups from all European countries (not only EU countries) are welcome to apply. The application should include the following:

- Company's profile

- Description of the project
- A dvd of the performance
- Technical rider

Send your application until December 15 to the following address:
Wherehouse 5 Litous st.11146 Athens Greece
They cover traveling and accommodation expenses, as well as a small fee per performance.

Unfortunately, Wherehouse hasn't a web-site yet.
e-mail: wherehows@yahoo.com

quinta-feira, 2 de novembro de 2006

Casting e Formação

A vila de Óbidos prepara-se para lançar um evento único no país - a Vila Natal, que traduz a recriação da quadra natalícia em formato real, cenografando e decorando toda a vila, com a Aldeia do Pai Natal, a Terra do Presépio, Pista de Gelo e Iluminação.
A Animoforma estará a cargo da animação do Evento Vila Natal, formando personagens que habitarão e darão vida a todos os espaços mágicos e intemporais: Pai e Mãe Natal, duendes, renas, bonecos de neves, monges franciscanos, Sultões das Arábias, etc...
Para tal apelamos a todos os interessados, que tenham algum gosto ou apetência para o teatro, a candidatarem-se para animação da Vila Natal.

Procuramos pessoas M/F dos 18 aos 45 anos, com disponibilidade entre 17 de Novembro e 06 de Janeiro. Candidaturas com nome, idade, experiência, disponibilidade, medidas, fotografia e razões de interesse no projecto, enviadas para animoforma@mail.telepac.pt até dia 10 inclusivé.

Castings (por marcação):
Dia 11Nov - Manhã (09h30/13h00) - AnimoformaDia 11Nov - Noite (21h30/23h30) - Óbidos
Dia 12Nov - Manhã (09h30/13h00) - Óbidos
Dia 12Nov - Tarde (14h30/19h00) - Óbidos
Dia 13Nov - Manhã (09h30/13h00) - ÓbidosDia 13Nov - Tarde (15h00/19h00) - Animoforma
Dia 14Nov - Disponivel

17 a 29 de Novembro - 3 grupos distintos (manhã, tarde e noite) - Óbidos
Estágio na Vila Natal
30 Novembro a 6 de Janeiro (turnos rotativos)
Formação Gratuita
Remuneração do estágio
Certificado de Participação

21 495 33 41
91 743 41 79