quinta-feira, 13 de dezembro de 2007

Call for animators & computer-game designers

We are a small artistic team working in the north of England-Manchester. Wehave been successful in securing a commission for a major international project from a major arts organisation, for which some funding has also been secured.

We would like to invite a creative associate to work with us as part of ashort film project in developing the technical and creative production of a60 second 3D animation. As part of this short film proposal we would like to create an imaginary computer game based on the First Person Shooter model.The theme focuses on typical war-game scenarios.

We are very eager to hear from any students, artists and creative individualswho would be interested in working with us to create 60 seconds of 3d animation, possibly based on any current existing game models, images or animations you may have.

The finished film will be part of an exhibition touring the UK, India andPakistan, amongst other countries.

FEEA small artist's fee is available to the person who successfully takes partin the project plus a major credit in the film. You will be working very closelywith us to realise our vision for this film as well as generating the higheststandard of creativity between us. The deadline for the finished film is February 15th 2008 but we must submit a rough cut to the commissioner by January 18th 2008.


If you are interested then please contact us at mailto:adistanthunder@gmail.com
Please reply with a brief message of introduction, up to 4 examples ofwork/still/drawings and any questions.
The successful associate will receive our film ideas, synopsis and visual requirements.