Mythstories Museum of Myth and Fable in Wem, Shrophsire, would like to commission an artist, designer-maker or team to produce a Storyscape (an artefact to aid the telling of a story) inspired by the related traditions:
Kamishibai (from Japan), Khavad (from India) & European Miniature Theatre. We are looking for an artist, designer-maker or team who will work with a storyteller to devise the work. We are offering a fee of 4,000 to include all expenses and materials to crate and deliver and install the Storyscape.
There is a separate fee for the storyteller.
For a full brief and details of how to apply please contact Dez or Ali Quarrell at Mythstories: tel 01939 235 500, mobile: 07969 541 552, or email:
Deadline for receipt of applications is Thursday 10th January 2008.