quinta-feira, 12 de agosto de 2010

Intercâmbio jovens Lisboa - Teatro, Fotografia e Curtas-Metragens

Procuram-se pessoas para formar o grupo português ao qual se irão juntar 3 grupos de pessoas de outros 3 países. A participação é gratuita e feita com base nas candidaturas que nos cheguem. Mais informações no texto no fim deste correio.

Local: Costa de Caparica
Datas: 23 -29 Agosto
Estilos: Teatro, Fotografia e Curta-Metragem
Lingua de trabalho: Inglês
Países: Portugal, Alemanha, Espanha, Itália.
Aceitam-se inscrições para participantes

Info: youngenergies@gmail.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=136013879747573&ref=ts

Young Energies Against Discrimination - 23 to 29, August of 2010 - Lisbon.
The right of all individuals to equality and to protection from discrimination is a fundamental principle of all democratic societies.

This is a crucial time to be active in the fight against discrimination. Our group aims to strengthen intercultural education that includes issues of social inclusion, participation and learning experience in the community as a way of dealing with the challenges posed by multiculturalism.

The project aims to highlight diversity as a fundamental aspect of all societies. The existence of multiple identities, values, cultures and beliefs in a society challenges individuals and groups to cultivate a mutual understanding with the aim of starting a cooperative interaction and experience of cultural enrichment. To understand the differences is one of the fundamentals to respect the human rights in our opinion.

Our desire to unite our efforts to deepen the theme of cultural diversity, led our association to organize this meeting. During the youth exchange participants can express themselves and their point of view through the immediacy of expression of the short movies as an important tool in helping us to gain a better understanding of the complex nature of discrimination and a better understanding of how it can best be tackled at all levels - from European to local - and making the basic principle of respect for fundamental human rights in Europe a reality for all.

The meeting will be at Lisbon, from 23 to 29 of August 2010 and we expect to receive proactive participants from Portugal, Italy, Spain and Germany!

Info: youngenergies@gmail.com

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=136013879747573&ref=ts