segunda-feira, 21 de abril de 2008

Workshop com Robert Steijn

Dança Contemporânea

Datas 12 a 16 de Maio 2008
Horário 18h30 - 21h30
Local 555 - Rua do Almada, 555 - Porto

Dia 16 :: apresentação informal :: 19h30

Público-alvo Estudantes e profissionais das artes performativas
N.º limite de inscrições 16
Idioma Inglês

Inscrição 55,00 Euros
Amigos e associados NEC 38,50 Euros (desconto de 30%)

Nota:: Inscrições até ao dia 07 de Maio
Desistências após dia 09 de Maio implicam a devolução de apenas 50% do valor pago.
Desistências a partir do 1º dia do workshop não implicam qualquer tipo de devolução.
A inscrição neste workshop inclui a oferta de um bilhete para o espectáculo I am reborn smoker de Robert Steijn, dia 16 de Maio, nos Maus Hábitos.
+ info:

Robert Steijn
Robert Steijn works together with Frans Poelstra in the company Unitedsorry, based in Vienna and Amsterdam.
He worked as a dance critic and then as a curator for dance and experimental theatre in Amsterdam. Currently he only works as a performer and teaches workshops.
He tries to bring the magic back in life and in the theatre, and in that sense he considers himself more and more as a magician. Most of the time, a deer is his helper in these magical acts. His belief is that everyone can become a shaman. His path towards becoming a magician has been described in his three solo’s.
In making dance performances he feels highly influenced by two Dutch choreographers with whom he worked, for more than ten years, as a dramaturge: Gonnie Heggen and Desiree Delauney. In inventing rituals he is influenced by his long time collaboration with the Dutch director Lidy Six. In his thinking about art, he is strongly influenced by the formality and playfulness of the performances of Dan Graham and Matt Mullican. In his belief in the spiritual dimension of theatre he is influenced by his encounters with the Korean Shaman Hi ah Park, by ayuasca rituals, and long walks in the mountains and in the forest.

When we dance, we can change our daily mind and body states into something more mysterious. By moving we can understand animals, we can meet people who passed away or who live somewhere else. By moving the body in a specific way we can train our mind to expand in different directions, travelling through time and space. Yes, i am interested in the magic of dance, the shamanistic perspective way of dancing. Of course a lot has to do with belief and fantasy. And the question will be where our imagination becomes something real in a physical experience. This workshop investigates mostly silence as a quality to transform ourselves. How to get silent, before we start to dream with your eyes open and let the body move out of his own free will. We will train different kinds of silences as tools to get into trance, as tools to open the mind, the body, the heart. My interests in this workshop are how to become playful and creative, without going too much into thinking and how to develop your own strong theatre personality, by forgetting yourself, or by taking yourself not so serious, by being humble, funny and passionate all at the same time.

Organização NEC em colaboração com o Festival da Fábrica e 555
Apoios Ministério da Cultura / Direcção-Geral das Artes
Agradecimento Maus Hábitos
+ Info
Núcleo de Experimentação Coreográfica
Rua Miguel Bombarda, n.º 124, r/ch sala A, 4050-377 Porto
Tel. 22 518 85 22 Telm. 96 142 46 68 Fax. 22 510 85 31