11th Solo Dance International Festival and 9th Duo Dance International Festival
Organised by Orkesztika Foundation in Budapest, Hungary
"Working on the basis of an open competition system" "Open platform for short choreographical pieces"
Actual announcement
Festival is planed to be held in
7-12. January 2010.
Our Festival gives opportunity for individual dancers and dance groups to realise their artistic concepts and through this event they will get a feedback that they can use for developing themselves. Continuing the traditions of the previous festivals, we would like to keep at our goals that apart from some regulations the dance groups can perform their shows without restrictions. All the performances will be evaluated by a professional jury and the audience.
New, short dance productions are wanted!
About the Festival
The competition program of the Festival can receive 20 solo and 20 duo performances to avoid overstressing the jury and the audience. We want to ensure the possibility for everyone to perform regardless of the large number of perspective participants, SzoloDuo 2010 is also going to be completed with nomination-rounds. The nomination rounds will already be held in four different countries.The festival can not host performances in which there is no intention for a unique presentation, which means that improvisations without any structure, or a choreography that was performed before will not be accepted.
Nomination round
All of the nomination round / semi-festival are opened for the audience. The professional jury is going to valuate these as workshop presentations based on the criteria basis available.
National nomination round are going to be organized in Poland, in the Czech Republic and in Germany, as SzólóDuó semi-festivals by our co-operating partners, the EFERTE Dance Development Foundation, and the Duncan Center Conservatory Prague, and the Barnes Crossing Choreographers Network between May and October 2009.
- For the Hungarian and Slovakian participants the nomination round will be held in the Mozdulatművészeti Stúdió (Art of Movement Studio).
Planed date: 14th and 15th November, 2009.
You can find a technical rider of the studio at http://www.mozdulatmuveszet.hu/meglepi
- Applicants from Poland shall apply through Eferte Dance Developement Foundation at
http://www.eferte.plThe date of the semi-festival is 24-25th May 2009.
- Applicants living in Germany, The Netherlands and Luxemburg shall apply at Barnes Crossing athttp://www.barnescrossing.deThe date of the semi-festival is 26-27th June 2009.
- Applicants from the Czech Republic shall apply at Duncan Center Conservatoryhttp://www.duncancenter.cz Planned date of the semi-festival is early October 2009.
Applicants from other countries can get to the competition program by sending a video footage on DVD, shot in the rehearsal room. The jury of the festival is going to nominate performances by these DVD-s to the competition program.
Deadline of arrival is 1st October 2009.
Date of nomination: 2nd November 2009.
Conditions for Application
The appliers who won the best solo or duo dance production in the previous year's festival, they go into the competitive program automatically.
Polish applicants shall turn to EFERTE Dance Development Foundation WarshawCzech applicant shall turn to Duncan Center Conservatory in Prague to apply.Applicants living in Germany, The Netherlands and Luxemburg shall apply at Barnes Crossing.
This year we would like to emphasise the professional evaluation of each performance.The sequence of the performances will be decided by chance.We will ensure the same light technique and the same time-extent for the stage rehearsal for all the participants of the Festival.
You can apply to the Festival with short solo or duo dance performances under the following conditions:
- Dance performances have to be originally created, those that were already presented can not participate in the Festival.
- Applicants must be at least 16 years old
- The length of a solo performance can not be more than 6 minutes and no more than 9 minutes in the case of duo performances. Overrunning these time limits cause automatically disqualification of the participant.
- Tools or instruments can be used in the performances but only if their installation can not take more than 30 seconds previous to the performance.
- Tools (candles, water, dye) that can damage or soil the stage floor are forbidden to use.
- One choreographer or performer just can apply with one solo and one duo production maximum.
- Applicants need to attach to the application form
- the choreographer’s and dancer's CV,not more than 500 caracters
- a portrait of each performer and choreographer, and an image photo according to the performance in the quality of 300 dpi.
Those, who can not participate in any of the nomination rounds need to send a video of the performance in DVD format by the end of application deadline, which only contains the applied solo or duo performance. Each performance needs to be sent on different DVDs.
The application datas cannot be changed.
The foundation can give free or supported accomodation to 20 foreign participants, but can not pay the travelling and the catering costs
Application deadline (if you apply directly to the Orkesztika Foundation):
1st of October, 2009
arrival date of the Application form, and the DVD!(If the applicant wants to perform his /her show live in the Hungarian nomination-round is welcome but his/her trip is self-financed.) >>more information<<
The Orkesztika Alapítvány keeps the righs for all changes.
Registration fee: 5000.- Forint /application, needs to be paid by forint.Account number of Orkesztika Alapítvány:11706016-20720937 (OTP Bank)
e-mail: info@mozdulatmuveszet.huweb: http://www.szoloduo.com
Address: Orkesztika Alapítvány Titkársága, 1097 Budapest, Tagló u. 11-13.
Application form needs to be sent in the original digital format (by e-mail or on CD) to the Foundation’s office by the deadline.
- Application formula can be required by e-mail